I get it–you have doubts. Given that you are constantly bombarded with an evolutionary worldview I can certainly understand why.

But there are so many excellent proofs out there that evolution cannot explain.

Consider the idea of symbiosis for just a moment.

Symbiosis is the close interaction between two organisms that is typically advantageous for both. One of the most amazing examples of symbiosis is the relationship between the yucca plant and the yucca moth. Each is dependent on the other for its survival. The yucca plant is physically incapable of pollinating itself to grow more seeds and perpetuate. The yucca moth (Pronuba) pollinates the yucca plant while laying its eggs inside the plant. This is a three-step process.

First the moth lands on the stamens (the male part of a flower, which produces pollen) of one of the yucca’s flowers. It then makes a sticky ball of pollen that it carries underneath its neck by a special appendage unique to this moth species.

Second, the moth flies to another yucca flower, lands on the pistil (the female part, which grows the fruit and seed) and inserts one of its eggs inside the base of the pistil, the flower’s ovary.

Third, the moth climbs the pistil and carefully places pollen from its ball inside the stigma’s tube at its top, thus pollinating this part of the flower. The moth repeats the first and second steps of the process for one flower until each ovule has one moth egg in it and each stigma has had pollen put into it. After hatching, the moth larvae feed on the seeds of the yucca.

Remarkably, the moth carefully calibrates the number of its larvae growing inside each flower so the larvae will not consume all the seeds of the yucca-because if they ate all the seeds the yucca plants would stop reproducing, thus eventually dooming the yucca moths as well! By pollinating the plant, the moth develops food (yucca seeds) for its larvae while ensuring the plant can continue its own kind as well.

But that’s not all.

The life cycle of the yucca moth is timed so the adult moths emerge in early summer-exactly when the yucca plants are in flower. How could such a process as the yucca moth-plant symbiotic relationship have developed by gradual steps in an evolutionary process that proceeds by blind chance?

What conceivable sequence of minor changes over thousands or millions of years could have possibly produced a perfect, mutually beneficial arrangement between plant and animal species?

Darwinism offers no answers. It is obvious that this remarkable relationship appeared abruptly or it never could have developed at all.