Dr. Brad Harrub

Brad Harrub holds an earned B.S. degree in biology from Kentucky Wesleyan College, and an earned doctorate degree in anatomy and neurobiology from the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. He was listed in Who’s Who Among Scientists and Researchers. He is the author of Convicted: A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity, Heart of the Matter, Dissecting the Truth, and the coauthor of the books, The Truth About Human Origins, Investigating Christian Evidences, Matters of Life and Death, Diamonds in the Rough: Nuggets of Truth from God’s Word and has written many tracts and articles for brotherhood journals. He is a popular speaker on Christian evidences at lectureships, youth rallies, etc. and has spoken in over 47 states and on five different continents. He conducts over 40 “Truth About Origins” weekend seminars each year. In addition, he was an invited speaker to the International conference on Creationism, and he has appeared on the television show “Origins” along with hosting the show “Think About It.”

To schedule him, contact Rachel at rachel@tampaseo.expert

Truth About Origins Seminar

Atheism’s Attack on America

Exploding Evidence from Mt. Saint Helen’s

The Dinosaur Dilemma

Evolutionary Hoaxes

Is the Bible Just a Good Book?

Are You Convicted?

Alternatives for Origins Seminar

Was Darwin Wrong?

Is Genesis a Myth?

The Value of Life

Intelligent Design or Ape-like creature?

Image of God or Fossil Man?

The Creation Week

Fortifying the Home Seminar

Attacks on the Family

Are You Serious?

Invasion: How Worldliness Has Infected the Christian Home

Intentional Parenting

They Don’t Come with Instructions … or Do They?

A Biblical Approach to Discipline and Parental Roles

Courtship and Dating

Protect: Fathers and Daughters

Man Up: Fathers and Sons

200-year legacy

Strong Families in 2020

Follow Me: A Lesson on Social Media

Faith For Life (7 Reasons We Are Losing Our Children)

Plugging the Leak

One Foot In the Grave: Will Hell Be Your Final Legacy?

Christian Worldview vs. Secular Worldview

Rewired: How Pornography is Killing the Church and Home

Ethics Series

How do Christians Determine Right and Wrong?

A Christian’s Response to Abortion

A Christian’s Response to Stem Cell Research

A Christian’s Response to Cloning

A Christian’s Response to Euthanasia

A Christian’s Response to Birth Control and Vaccines

A Christian’s Response to End of Life Decisions

What is the Value of Human Life?

End of Life Decisions

Cultures in Conflict Seminar

The Fear of the Lord

America After 9/11: Information on Islam

Behind the Veil: Islam’s Treatment of Women

Truth Trumps Tolerance: Homosexuality

Global Warming: Science or Religion?

Issues Facing the Church

Breaking the Standard

What If Your Professor Is an Atheist?

Before You Go to College

What About Common Core?

An Examination of Psalm 23

The Cross

Broken: An Examination of Meekness

Gender Confusion

Toxic Masculinity vs. Biblical Masculinity

Evidences Seminar

Can We Prove God Exists?

Jesus On Trial

Noah’s Flood: Fact or Fiction?

Why I choose to believe the Bible?

Medical Ethics and the Christian

How We Got the Bible

Medical Examination of the Crucifixion

Why Me God? (Evil, pain, and suffering)

God Is Alive!

The Reality of Pain

Examining the Heart Seminar

Self Control in an Uncontrolled World

Alone On an Island – A Biblical Worldview

Pride and the elder brother

Lukewarm Christianity

A Life in Christ

Equipping Youth Seminar

Have You Filed a Flight Plan?

Who Is Your Pilot?

Caution — Turbulence Ahead

What Is Your Self Image?

Into the Arena

What If Your Professor Is an Atheist?

Tactics for Remaining Faithful

Jack Wilkie

Jack Wilkie has been with Focus Press since January 2011, when he began as an intern and joined the full-time staff shortly after. He now serves as editor of the focuspress.org site, one of the editors of Thinkmagazine, and manager of Focus Press’s social media and online content. He is also the author of two books, “Church Reset: God’s Design for So Much More,” “Failure: What Christian Parents Need to Know About American Education” and editor of the Teen Boys Devotional, “Prove Yourself a Man.”

 He graduated from the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in Biblical studies and in 2010 he completed his bachelor’s degree in business through Amridge University.

For more information or to schedule him, contact jack@tampaseo.expert

Church Reset Seminar

Session #1: Hitting the Reset Button on Church

– What church has become and why it misses the mark

Session #2: Community

– Becoming the family God designed us to be

Session #3: Disciples Making Disciples

– Why the Great Commission has to be our driving principle

Session #4: Christian, or Church Customer?

– Examining how we participate in the church

Session #5: Go

– Putting it all together, we get a picture of what the church truly can be.

The Lost Generation Seminar

Session #1: Worldview Wars

– How Millennials are affected by Humanism, Postmodernism, Christianity and the compromise in between

Session #2: Failure

– Education’s role in shaping the faith of our youth

Session #3: The Church’s Role

– Discipleship vs. man’s wisdom for training our youth today

Session #4: Foundations 

– The importance of being prepared to answer the tough questions about God, the Bible, and origins

Session #5: Back to the Book

– What we can do to reach those who have left and do better with the next generation 

Will Harrub

Will Harrub has served as a preacher, a youth and family minister, and an editor for Focus Press. He is the coauthor of the book Starting Line and has written extensively for Think magazine. He has also authored a Family Worship Guide. Will is one of the hosts of the weekly Think Deeper podcast. Will has conducted mission work in several foreign countries and has been an invited speaker to several youth conferences. An avid sports fan, Will can often be found on a golf course or playing basketball. He and his wife Rachel have one son (Jackson).

To schedule him, contact Rachel at rachel@tampaseo.expert

Aiming Youth and Families Toward Success Seminar

This seminar is designed to be a wake up call for members of the church to ask themselves if they’re living the life of a truly devoted and committed follower of Christ, or simply the life of someone who lives the Christian life “casually.”

Session #1: Jesus’s Prerequisites for Following Him

Session #2: Counting the Cost

Session #3: Slave to Sin or Slave to God?

Session #4: “I Never Felt Loved”

Casual Christianity Seminar

This seminar is designed for the youth of the church and their families to begin to view success on God’s terms rather than the world’s terms.

Session #1: What is Success?

Session #2: Joy vs. Happiness

Session #3: Chasing Success on God’s Terms

Session #4: Worldliness – An Identity Crisis

Joe Wilkie, M.A., LPC

Joe Wilkie is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the preacher for the Jackson Temple Church of Christ in Burns, TN who is passionate about providing therapy and preaching God’s Word. Utilizing a blend of treatment modalities, Joe has nearly 7 years in the mental health field. He specializes in sex addiction, depression, and trauma. Joe holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from both Bear Valley Bible Institute and Amridge University. He also has his M.A. in Professional Counseling from Amridge University. He also has 10+ years of experience preaching and teaching the Bible.  On a personal note, Joe is husband to his beautiful wife, Alyssa, and three amazing kids and resides in White Bluff, TN.

For more information or to schedule him, contact joewilkiecounseling@gmail.com 

The Silent Epidemic Seminar

This seminar is designed to help a congregation know how to better handle the pornography epidemic from a personal to a church level.

Session #1: Understanding It

Session #2: The Toll

Session #3: The Heart of It

Session #4: The Cure

Session #5: Defeating It

God's Design for Holy Sexuality Seminar

This seminar is designed to help the church better understand God’s purpose for sexuality and to work through and heal from an individual’s spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical issues keeping them from experiencing the goodness of one of God’s greatest blessings. 

Session #1: God’s Design for Sexuality

Session #2: Healing Emotional Wounds (Part 1)

Session #3: Healing Emotional Wounds (Part 2)

Session #4: Understanding Sex

Session #5: The Church’s Response to Sexual Issues

Sermon/Keynote: Hope Even in the Dark – Isaiah 59-60

'Understanding Why' Youth Seminar

Too many youth know what to believe concerning Christianity but not why to believe. In this seminar, Joe asks a series of challenging questions to the youth with no script, just talking points. Each teen will be challenged to not just give the “right” answer, but to back it up with the why. 

Topics include:

– Homosexuality

– Transgenderism

– Critical Race Theory

– Pornography

– Vaping

– Cussing

– And more