Real Relationships
As I travel across the world and meet so many people, one of the things that stands out to me is that there are a lot of broken and hurting people out there. There are a lot of families who appear like everything is...
Read Moreby Brad Harrub | Oct 24, 2023 | All, Christian Living, Church | 0 |
As I travel across the world and meet so many people, one of the things that stands out to me is that there are a lot of broken and hurting people out there. There are a lot of families who appear like everything is...
Read Moreby Joe Wilkie | Apr 10, 2023 | Bible Study, Church, Podcasts, Think Deeper | 0 |
Why has the church declined so much in recent decades? Why are we met with constant news of church...
Read Moreby Joe Wilkie | Mar 27, 2023 | Church, Podcasts, Think Deeper | 0 |
We spend a lot of time talking about ways the church can grow and improve. But what do the...
Read Moreby Brad Harrub | Mar 16, 2023 | All, Christian Living, Church | 1 |
The coroner closed the door, and another death was recorded. Years earlier a diagnosis had been...
Read Moreby Brad Harrub | Jan 26, 2023 | All, Christian Living, Church | 0 |
I get the opportunity to speak on a lot of lectureships, seminars, men’s days, youth rallies, etc. I am thankful for each opportunity and I spend a lot of time in preparation and prayer for those events. I want to pose a...
Read Moreby Brad Harrub | Jan 25, 2023 | All, Christian Living, Church | 0 |
The church in America will continue to decline until elders, preachers, and church leaders realize that the “consumer model” does not work–and is not what God intended.   It is not about what programs...
Read Moreby Brad Harrub | Dec 20, 2022 | All, Christian Living, Church | 4 |
How can we make our local congregations stronger? Stop allowing members to hide behind the elders...
Read Moreby Jack Wilkie | Dec 7, 2022 | All, Christian Living, Church, Culture | 0 |
We are a society increasingly built not on truth and principles but on what sounds good, or on the...
Read Moreby focus | Nov 22, 2022 | Bible Study, Church, Podcasts, Who Let the Dogma Out? | 0 |
Liberalism vs. legalism, religion vs. relationship, head vs. heart, law vs. grace. We’re all...
Read Moreby focus | Nov 22, 2022 | Bible Study, Church, Podcasts, Who Let the Dogma Out? | 0 |
Welcome to Who Let the Dogma Out?, with Daniel Mayfield, Jacob Rutledge, and Jack Wilkie! In our...
Read Moreby Joe Wilkie | Nov 22, 2022 | Christian Living, Church, Podcasts, Think Deeper | 0 |
Jack and Joe trade notes on how ministers can serve their members, how elders can help set...
Read Moreby Jack Wilkie | Nov 22, 2022 | All, Bulletin, Christian Living, Church, Devotionals | 3 |
The Creator of the universe took on human flesh and got beaten, spat upon, and nailed to a cross...
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