By Keith Anderson
Since I wasn’t reared in the church, it brings me great joy knowing that my three boys, twin six-year-olds and a three-month old, are being reared that way. However, I am very aware that just bringing them to services will not be enough when their adversary comes prowling. In order for their faith to hold fast and their souls to be victorious, it is my responsibility to instill in them the moorings that will secure their hearts to the Word of God and its Author.
To do this, I plan on teaching my boys many things, but there are four core values that their mother and I have already begun establishing in their young hearts. These values must be rock-solid in their lives for the sake of their souls and for our family tree to remain one that’s rooted and grounded in the truth of Ephesians 4:4-6: “There is one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all is who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
The first core value is that the Bible has all the answers. If we claim to be Christians, and with that claim comes the acceptance that the Bible is the Word of God, then we must be willing to adhere to all its teachings. If the Bible were a security blanket, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 would be written on the label. I want my boys to search out every truth that God’s Word contains, and to believe in their heart of hearts that for every situation life can throw at them, the Bible has an answer. In a world overcome with emotionalism and situational morality, I want them to respond to every spiritual question with a Scriptural answer. I want them to be able to show themselves approved of God, and to be ready on the day that the Word will judge them (John 12:48).
Secondly, I want my boys understanding the importance of being involved in a sound congregation. Words cannot express how thankful my wife and I are for our church family. Many in our congregation are closer to us than our blood relatives. Being active in a sound congregation is imperative to maintaining a faithful walk with God. During our family Bible time at night, we pray often for our church family, thanking God for the blessings of those relationships. I want my children, no matter where they go, to seek those relationships with other faithful Christians. This will help them get to Heaven.
Thirdly, I want each of them to seek a wife that is a faithful Christian. No other person on earth will be more influential in the pursuit of Heaven than their spouse. A marriage built on a love for God and His Word is a marriage that will bring happiness and fulfillment all of their days, driving the family tree’s roots deeper into the Rock. Vowing to grow closer together in Him, they will rear their own children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, securing their own branch of the family tree in the Kingdom.
Finally, I want my boys to understand that there is nothing more important than being a faithful Christian. As men, they will pursue a career that will support their families. Some careers, with the help of the world, will push them to forsake time with their families and maybe even compromise their faith. When this happens, I want my boys to hear the words of Solomon echoing in their ears: “Fear God, and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). No matter the job they hold, what their salary is, or the size of their house, nothing matters more than being a faithful Christian.
As a first generation Christian, our family tree changed when I obeyed the Gospel. Now, as a father, I pray that I can do everything I can to keep that tree, and its branches, reaching towards Heaven.