When I was growing up my parents forced me to take responsibility for my actions. Yes, occasionally I tried to blame my two older brothers–but at the end of the day I was forced to look in the mirror and admit I was the one at fault.
It was my fault the dogs had not been fed. It was my fault the refrigerator door was left open. It was my fault the grass had not been cut. It was under their roof that I learned the importance of “owning” my mistakes and errors.
Lately, it feels like I’m surrounded by individuals who missed that life lesson. It seems that everything is everyone else’s fault. Even when someone makes a blatant mistake on their own, it is still the fault of someone else.
I fear this lack of responsibility has been fed by parents who defend their children no matter what the situation. Because of course their precious little angel could never do anything wrong. Yes, they hit the boy at school, but really it was the little boy’s fault–and besides, that little boy had it coming. In fact, the only reason their precious little angel got in trouble was because of that mean teacher that doesn’t really like their child. You know, the teacher that really shouldn’t be teaching because of the way he or she talks to the students. (Insert eye roll here.)
Parents, you are not doing your child any favors by covering for them or making excuses for them every time they make a mistake. What you are doing is creating a human who believes their bad behaviors are everyone else’s fault – which may be why so many of our modern-day children struggle with the concept of sin.
Deep down they don’t believe they need to repent for anything, because after all, it’s everyone else’s fault. In fact, they are not totally convinced they need the blood of Jesus, because they are pretty good people on their own. Think about what happens when this mindset moves into the workplace or a future marriage. It doesn’t take long for disaster to strike.
I am so thankful Jesus Christ did not do what so many are doing today. Instead of blaming everyone else (something He had every right to do), He freely went to the cross and gave His life.
Young people, it’s time to stop blaming others and own up to your mistakes and faults. No, you are not perfect. And yes, you need to learn to say (and mean) the words, “I’m sorry.” Otherwise, your walk with the Lord is going to be a challenge.