By Brad Harrub, Ph.D.
Paul commanded that we “Examine ourselves” (2 Corinthians 13:5). In Haggai 1:5 and 1:7 it says consider your ways. So let’s have an honest examination today of your home congregation in just 10 areas. In the past 2-3 years:
1. Have marriages in your congregation gotten stronger?
2. Have children shown more honor and respect to their parents?
3. Have more young people remained faithful and grown a stronger relationship with Jesus?
4. Have members developed a healthy fear of the Lord that is revealed through their actions?
5. Are more members glorifying God by wearing modest clothing?
6. Are families spending more time in His Word?
7. Are your deacons actively serving with joy and seeking more ways to further His kingdom?
8. Are your elders moving away from the “business” of church operations and giving more time toward His word and toward shepherding souls?
9. Are you evangelizing more in your communities?
10. Are you preaching Jesus Christ and His Gospel over and over from your pulpits?
Examine yourself. Consider your ways. What does the fruit of your congregation show?
Paul commanded that we “Examine ourselves” (2 Corinthians 13:5). In Haggai 1:5 and 1:7 it says consider your ways. So let’s have an honest examination today of your home congregation in just 10 areas. In the past 2-3 years:
1. Have marriages in your congregation gotten stronger?
2. Have children shown more honor and respect to their parents?
3. Have more young people remained faithful and grown a stronger relationship with Jesus?
4. Have members developed a healthy fear of the Lord that is revealed through their actions?
5. Are more members glorifying God by wearing modest clothing?
6. Are families spending more time in His Word?
7. Are your deacons actively serving with joy and seeking more ways to further His kingdom?
8. Are your elders moving away from the “business” of church operations and giving more time toward His word and toward shepherding souls?
9. Are you evangelizing more in your communities?
10. Are you preaching Jesus Christ and His Gospel over and over from your pulpits?
Examine yourself. Consider your ways. What does the fruit of your congregation show?