Do you remember the day you got your first car? When you were handed those shiny keys, you were given access to the world around you by way of a well-oiled engine; all you had to do was turn your key in the ignition and drive onto that pavement to see it all.
Just like you drive your car often – possibly daily, even – and just like you take care of your car well…shouldn’t you treat your faith and your relationship with God in the same way? And shouldn’t your view through the lens of a Biblical worldview be the vehicle by which you traverse this earth?
Let’s outline three ways in which faith and cars are actually quite similar.
Just like a car has many parts, God has many facets to know.
In order to successfully drive a car, you have to know where key features are, like the gas pedal, the brake pedal, the gas gauge, and more. It’s the same with your relationship with God; in order to know Him well, you need to know His characteristics and attributes, and also what He has to say (1 Thessalonians 1:3-4). In turn, we need to allow God to search us and know our hearts in the same way (Psalm 139:23). For example, say you’re driving in the rain. You need to know where your windshield wiper switch is located so you can drive safely over wet roads. In your relationship with God, you need to know how He has handled situations with His people, so that you can trust Him fully when the going gets rough, knowing that He has outlined your path and made it straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Just like we need to prepare our car by filling it with gas to go places, we need to be spiritually equipped to handle the world around us.
We do this by engaging deeply in the study of God’s Word. We need to do this because we don’t want to be left high and dry without a defense of our faith if someone were to question it, or if they were to ask us why we believe a certain way about certain topics, like homosexuality, transsexuality, racism, and even more. We should take on David’s attitude when we store scripture in our hearts: “Your word I have hidden in my heart,
that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11). This way, we’ll be more equipped to share those scriptures when the time comes.
What happens when you’re pulled over on the side of the road, panicking because you had barely enough gas to get off the highway? You call for help, of course, whether that means finding a gas station or calling a loved one. In the same way, we can call upon God whenever we’re in distress and feel that we can’t navigate a particular situation (2 Samuel 22:4).
Just like we need to be aware of others around us when we drive, we need to be aware of what’s going on in the world, and what God has to say about it.
Sometimes, there are drivers on the road who disregard others around them by speeding, cutting them off on busy intersections, or generally making them feel uneasy. Should that keep us from the road, though? No; we just need to be aware of them so that if a situation should arise that they mistreat us or anyone else by being inconsiderate, we can move on our way and continue to our respective destinations safely. It’s the same way in real life; when people mistreat us, we should still continue to be nice to them, or keep ourselves safe and move on.
In the same way, we need to be aware of our own actions when it comes to others around us. We don’t need to be in such a hurry as to completely disregard the needs and safety of others. We need to reach out to help if and when we can, just as the Good Samaritan helped a complete stranger and his polar opposite (Luke 10:25-37). So, when others show mercy to and are considerate towards us, we should do as Jesus tells His followers: “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37b).
At the end of the day, if we treat our faith in God like we treat our cars – checking up on it to make sure it’s well cared for and equipped for the road ahead – we will be able to traverse the pathway God has given us, not only with confidence that He is guiding us, but with Him as the focus and forefront of our minds and hearts.
By Savannah Cottrell
Photo credit: Automédon 13′ via photopin (license)