With the release of Failure: What Christian Parents Need to Know About American Education, we know there will be some questions, so here’s a brief primer for anyone interested in the book. The book can be ordered here.
What is it about?
You’ve heard the statistics and speculation on how many youth leave the church after they turn 18, and you’ve heard much of the negative press that public schools are getting today. Everyone has heard the horror stories, but most people claim some variation of “not at my school.” In Failure, Jack sorts out all of the stories and hype and seeks to find the truth about what’s really happening. With a heavy emphasis on competing worldviews, the book takes a journey through the history of education and how God was removed from schools before examining concerns about sexual education, violence, drugs, and failing academics. Before reaching a conclusion the reader will learn about the philosophical issues brought about by the educational options available today and the biblical principles that should govern our understanding of schooling.
Why now?
With the attrition rate among young people who grow up in the church well over 50%, it’s time to start looking for answers as to why they’re leaving. Though this book is probably long overdue, the discussion has to start at some point. With the Common Core and increased Planned Parenthood involvement in the schools making the news, Christian parents need to be able to separate fact from fiction and make conscious, informed decisions for the spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing of their families.
Who should read “Failure”?
Families with children who are school aged. Families with children who aren’t yet school aged. Families who are on the fence about educational choices (which, according to the Barna Group, describes a lot of families). People who may have children someday. Grandparents. Teachers. Preachers. With the gravity of this issue in the fight for young souls, a proper understanding of education’s role in youth faithfulness needs to be understood, along with the biblical truth that should govern our decision making.
What makes this book different?
A lot of books and articles have been written to discuss the Christian’s response to education. Some take the angle that schools are awful, and therefore Christians should leave. Some argue that Christians should stay in schools for that very reason. Other authors have looked at the issue from a strictly biblical approach. And, still others have examined the philosophical and psychological side of schooling. Failure seeks to build on the answers and research that so many of those authors have put forth and add original, up-to-date analysis that includes all you need to know about the latest stats and news headlines.