By Thomas Vick 
In our children’s public schools, the homosexual movement continually asserts itself. Currently, public schools are home to 4,000+ Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA). A GSA is a student-initiated club that seeks to promote acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle among middle school and high school students. Only 24,000 public secondary schools exist in the United States ( Thus, 16% of our children’s academic institutions house these student organizations that threaten to steal the souls of the next generation. Moreover, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan actively promotes the creation of GSAs under the guise of the anti-bullying movement ( As the homosexuals and their “allies” march forward, the number of GSAs will continue to increase. 
What can the Lord’s church do to fight this “spiritual wickedness” in the “high places” of public education (Ephesians 6:12)? The time is long past for the church merely to defend itself. Now is the time for the church to go on the offensive in the public schools to save our children’s physical and spiritual lives. Fortunately, the laws of our country still grant young Christians a powerful platform in which to fight this battle. 
GSAs have imposed themselves upon public schools through the Federal Equal Access Act (1984). When the Act was instituted, its intent was to protect religious, student organizations, such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. However, the homosexual movement has used it as an instrument to spread the homosexual ideology. Basically, the Act prevents a school from discriminating against any student-initiated club due to its “religious, political, philosophical, or other content” of its meetings. In other words, the Act requires a public secondary school to accommodate any student-initiated club, irrespective of the club’s religious principles or lack thereof. The bottom line is this: public schools must take a neutral and accepting stance with regard to student clubs.  
The homosexual movement realizes and acts upon the great opportunity the Federal Equal Access Act (FEAA) affords. Politically active homosexuals and their “allies” understand that in order to conquer the political battles of tomorrow, it must win the minds of children today. GSAs are one way in which the homosexual agenda is elevated in our nation’s public schools. Hopefully, Christians understand the same principle on a deeper level than politics: In order for our children to enjoy the victory of Jesus Christ at the final judgment, Jesus must win their hearts today (2 Corinthians 6:2).  
Albeit winning political and legal debates is not the end game for the Christian (Matthew 28:18-20), the enemies of the Lord are using both politics and the law to turn our young people away from the Gospel. Because our spiritual enemies will not cease using these methods, the Lord’s church ought not to shirk from political and legal battles. We must welcome them, for in so doing the light of the Gospel will shine unto “them which believe not” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). Here are two ways in which we can fight these spiritual battles in America’s public schools. 
First, since student-initiated religious clubs are acceptable in public secondary schools under the FEAA, our young people can start a Bible study club that meets after school. Youth ministers and parents, if you know an outstanding teenage boy who shows promise for leadership, encourage him to start a Bible study club with his fellow students. What a way to see teenagers shine like young Samuels and Davids!  
Of course, the young man would need help in preparing the curriculum for the club meetings. However, the local congregation, with its elders, deacons, preachers, teachers, and parents, can aid him in this regard. If the devil can use young people to establish ungodly student-initiated clubs, certainly the Lord can use His young people to establish Bible study groups. 
Second, the local church of Christ itself can host Bible study sessions during after school hours on school premises. Standing U.S. Supreme Court precedent has held that schools must not discriminate against religious organizations based upon their Biblical viewpoint (Good News Club v. Milford Cent. Sch., 533 U.S. 98 [2001]). 
For decades, the denominational world has used the FEAA to teach its false doctrine. Now the homosexual movement is doing the same. It is time for the church of the New Testament to teach the truth in public schools.