By Ryan Haedge
Recently I began the discussion of how the liberal left are aggressively trying to change the way we use words and their definition to remove God from every aspect of our lives. The biggest example of how they do this is when they teach our children in the public schools and in every television show and movie––that science and God are incompatible. That to accept there is a God is to reject science and if you accept science, you must then reject God. We have dealt with the science versus God delusion previously, but they are also using another word in the same context: “reason.”  
In March 2012, a group of about 20,000 atheists assembled at our nation’s capital for an event they coined “Reason Rally.” You may even recognize many of the headline speakers that included Adam Savage (from Discovery Channel’s “Mythbusters”), Richard Dawkins (author of multiple books including The God Delusion), Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Congressman Pete Start (D-California).   
If you were to listen close to what they are teaching you will find that they use the words science and reason as the antithesis of believing in God. They want to teach us that the existence of God is unreasonable. They profess the Bible and the teachings of Christ are also wholly unreasonable.  
So let’s discuss how unreasonable the Bible really is. After all, I believe it is God who created us with the ability to use reason. He gave us the ability to exercise free will and minds that are aware of our own existence. He gave us minds that seek to understand the meaning of life. So let’s use this God-given ability to put God’s own Word to the “reason” test.  
First, we need to assume that every single person adheres to the teachings of the Bible. 
The Bible teaches do not commit adultery or fornication. 
Result: Sexually transmitted diseases and the AIDS epidemic would be completely eradicated or never would have existed to begin with. Marriages would remain monogamous till death. No children would be born out of wedlock (with the exception of the natural death of a parent). 
The Bible teaches do not lie, cheat or steal. 
Result: Imagine a world where we were always honest; everyone you meet would always be truthful; there would be no need for a lock and key to protect that which we held valuable. Everyone would be trustworthy in all things. 
The Bible teaches  do not be greedy or full of envy. 
Result: Both greed and envy begin as thoughts in our mind, thoughts that can lead to lying, cheating, or stealing from others. Therefore, I cannot think of a war that would have existed without greed or envy at the root. 
Must we continue? We have just taken a few basic teachings from the Bible, and if all mankind lived by these teachings, we have just eliminated all sorts of diseases and given almost every child a loving home with both a mother and father who will be married till death. We have simply eliminated the need for anyone to protect their possessions and ended all wars that ever have been or could ever be. 
These are powerful thoughts! But at the core of this power of “reason” lies one last truth that the Bible teaches…. Mankind is not perfect! We will steal. We will cheat. We will commit adultery. We will have greed and envy in our heart. So God has provided us with what could only be seen as His ultimate act of reason––to provide us a way to seek redemption from all these evils that we commit.  
God’s Word is quite reasonable. In fact, it perfectly examines the human condition we all find ourselves in. When we commit these sins outlined above, we will have pain and suffering. We will harm one another through theft and murder. But when we come to that understanding that we are not perfect, that we need redemption, then we can understand God’s reason for His Son.