By Irene C. Taylor
There was a time in the days of yesteryear when the family unit was closely knit physically as well as emotionally. The extended family was near and available for support when needed. Grandparents were respected and thus in position to wield tremendous influence on upcoming generations. Today it is different and the difference is not necessarily good. Today’s family is likely separated by many miles. The opportunity for Grandma to be an integral part of the life her grandchildren depends largely upon the attitude of the parents. It necessitates utilizing every precious avenue available. Whereas yesterday’s grandmother was often consulted and her wisdom respected, today’s grandmother may be considered as out of touch with the real world.
How, then, can the Christian grandmother of today play a role in the spiritual training of her grandchildren? Does she have a responsibility in this regard? It is a foregone conclusion that she cannot pass on the faith that she herself does not possess. The cycle must begin with the training of her own children that they may be in position to pass on the legacy of a strong faith. Could it be that we are losing many of our young people because of a poor example from grandparents? When one generation denies the faith or is haphazard in spiritual matters it becomes a greater challenge to train future generations to serve the Lord as He decrees.
The finest example of grand motherhood in the Bible is none other than Lois, grandmother to Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5). The Bible describes her faith as unfeigned. It was genuine; it came from the heart. So genuine was it that she was able to instill that faith in daughter Eunice who in turn instilled such in Timothy. She knew the secret of success. Being a genuine, dedicated follower of the Lord herself, she knew that example and verbal teaching must harmonize if success is to be achieved. She knew, also, that the time to begin the training of a child is while he is very young (2 Timothy 3:15). Preparation for spiritual training of our children should begin even before conception!
Christian grandparents need to develop that special bond available only between grandparent and grandchild. Grandma can undergird the spiritual training of Christian parents knowing that, all things being equal, she has served well through the training of the child’s parent to choose a mate who will help maintain a Christian home. It has been my contention for years that one of the finest ways for Christian women to serve God and strengthen the church is through her God-given role in the home. And Grandma must do her part to keep the chain of faith pure and active.
Where is Grandma in the life of your children? Is she setting an example of faithfulness which they can emulate? Are you providing opportunity for that special influence to strengthen the faith of your children? Heaven will smile on such!
Grandma, as you watch the development of that grandchild’s life, surround it with a blanket of love topped with prayer. Recognize that the life you live is being watched by impressionable eyes. Grandma, the Lord needs you to fulfill His plan. Keep the faith and pass it on!