Now that Amber Guyger has been found guilty of murder, what will be the church’s reaction?

I had the pleasure of meeting Botham Jean’s family recently at the Annual Caribbean Lectureship. In fact, Botham’s father spoke during the lectureship and his tears and pleas for justice still ring in my ears. For those unfamiliar with the case, Amber Guyger shot Botham Jean in his own apartment, thinking she was in her own.

A few minutes ago Dallas police office Amber Guyger was found guilty. So here’s my question: Who is going to step up and study with Amber? How do we find her contact information so that New Testament Christians can teach her the Truth? Who will go and talk with her and build a relationship that might bring her to a knowledge of the Truth?

Botham’s soul is in a place of paradise—I have confidence in that. I listened intently as individuals shared how this young Christian had made such an amazing impact on so many. They are even setting up a non-profit–—to continue his amazing legacy. We know where he will spend eternity.

But what about Amber’s soul? If she were to die today where would she spend eternity? What about the mental torture she will now endure each day knowing she took the life of an innocent man? What will be the church’s reaction to her?

Who will step in and demonstrate Christian love to her family? Who will wipe away the tears of her parents? Who will take them food as the grieve the loss of their daughter who will probably remain behind bars beyond their deaths.

Christians talk about not being conformed to the world and having our minds transformed (Romans 12:1-2), but are we really transformed enough to reach out to those who have hurt us?  Are we able to demonstrate the type of love Jesus commanded to our “neighbors” (Matthew 22:36-40)? Do we honestly feel blessed when people persecute us? Do we really pray for our enemies?

I think the most powerful message that could emerge from this horrific event would be for Botham’s Christian family to now offer forgiveness, and Amber be baptized into Christ! Hear me out—I believe Amber still needs to face the consequences of her actions, but I hope the Jean family is able to forgive her. Difficult? I can’t even imagine the magnitude of strength it would take for them to do this. But can you imagine the Christian message that would be sent out to the world from such an amazing act of love? What the world would see—if only for a few minutes, is the love that Jesus Christ has for each and every one of us.