By Autumn McBrayer
The job of the homemaker is so encompassing that many do not want to even attempt to take it on. Along with other qualities, in the New Testament older women are specifically instructed to teach the younger women to be homemakers (Titus 2:4-5). Those who do attempt to take on this job often do not do so appropriately. Just what is a homemaker? defines homemaker as “a person who manages the household of his or her own family, especially as a principal occupation.”i The Greek word in Titus is defined as οἰκουργός; “homemaker, pertaining to being busy at home, working at home.”ii Interesting that the world defines it for “his or her” but we have no indication from the Lord that it is an option for the man. When this exhortation is brought in Titus, it was told to the older women to teach the younger to do this.
Newheiser had this to say about being a homemaker, “Homemakers should remain faithful in their work. The full-time wife and mother has one of the most challenging yet potentially rewarding of all vocations. The work of a homemaker is very challenging because her job is self-structured (and unpaid!). If she is not self-disciplined, her home will become a shambles (Proverbs 24:30–32). A lazy or disorganized woman places extra burdens on her husband and sets a terrible example for her children. On the other hand, when the homemaker excels, like the woman of Proverbs 31, she receives the praise of her husband, her children, and God.”iii
I have chosen to write a simple code of ethics to serve as a daily reminder of that which the job entails and demands. The need for wives and mothers to fulfill their God-given role, and do so adequately, is greater than ever. In a time where women look down on such a wonderful role and will often times leave it “in a search to find themselves.” This code will not be accepted by all, as it pertains to the homemaker who aims to please the Lord before others.
The Christian Homemakers Code of Ethics.
- I will first love God and put Him first in all I do.
- I will make time each day to study from His Word, and talk to Him in prayer, remembering that He is the reason for which I live.
- All that I do as a homemaker, I will do it as if for only the Lord (Colossians 3:23,24).
- I will love my husband and put his needs above my own.
- I will not neglect to communicate with my husband, appreciate him, and let him know of my appreciation. For without this marriages dissolve and homemakers run away.
- I will help him leave work at the door and enter the home burden free.
- I will accept every child as a blessing and not a curse from the Lord.
- I will take on the all-encompassing blessing of rearing my children and not give them over to someone else to do so for me.
- I will train my children in the Lord to the very best of my ability.
- I will remember that I am teaching my children by my speech and by my actions.
- I will put the needs of my children before the wants of myself.
- I will routinely take care of my house and remember that it is my duty to make it our home.
- I will make it a place of serenity and fend off the chaos that tries to creep in.
- I will routinely check our pantries and make sure we have food for all meals.
- I will prepare meals and keep my family healthy.
- I will be prepared for company and ready to be hospitable to those in need.
- I will remember that the Lord has blessed me with this role and not take it for granted.
- I will not take on a second job unless I can first efficiently fulfill the duties of this my first.