By Phillip Johnson
Dear Mom & Dad,
I am writing these letters to you and your family because I am concerned about the future of your marriage, the future of your children, the future of the church and the future of America. America has been involved in many wars over the course of our history as a nation. We fought the Revolutionary War to gain our independence from England. The Civil War was fought pitting brother against brother due to the unjust practice of slavery. America joined in World War I and World War II to protect our freedoms and promote democracy. From Korea to Vietnam to Iraq, America has had its share of wars. Even today we find ourselves at war as our war against terrorism continues. As I write this letter, young men and women are on foreign soils risking their lives to preserve and protect our nation’s interests
There is another war being waged in our own backyards…in our own communities…in our own schools…in our own homes. War has been declared on your family! Satan is out in full force seeking to poison and destroy the lives of parents, teenagers, and even your youngest of children. No one is safe from these horrifying attacks! One look at the arsenal at Satan’s disposal cam make even the strongest families cringe in horror. Drugs, alcohol, TV, violence and negative peer influences are only a small sampling of the weapons Satan is using right now to wipe out your family. Make no mistake about it—your family is under siege!
What is your game plan to save your family from these terrible evils? Are you prepared to lead your family safely through Satan’s minefields? Are you children ready for battle?
What would you think of our country if we sent our soldiers into physical battlefields without the proper equipment? Can you imagine sending young men and women over to Afghanistan without the best possible war equipment? What if it was your child fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan? What would you want for your child if they were fighting in a physical war? As a parent, you would want them to have the best equipment money could buy. You would want them entering the battlefield with the best protection and the most powerful weapons at their disposal. We would undoubtedly take every measure possible to ensure that our children were equipped to make it back home.
We need this same mindset spiritually. What are your future hopes and dreams for your family? We want our children to be successful. We want them to achieve success in school. We want them to achieve success in their relationships. More than anything, we want our children to go to heaven. We want them to make it home! Mom and dad…make sure your children are equipped to make it to heaven. Give them what they need to make it back it home.
God has prepared the battle plan for you and your family! He has the anecdote to Satan’s poison; the shield to deflect Satan’s piercing arrows; the answers to the problems Satan seeks to create within your family! The solution in a word is Jesus!
In Galatians 1:3, Paul gives us our victory chant, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age according to the will of our God and Father.” Jesus died to the rescue you and your family from the grips of Satan! A question we all must answer is will we let Him? Will you let Jesus save you and your family? If you want your family to withstand the attacks of Satan, you and your family must build a relationship with Jesus! If you want your family to make it to heaven, you must get plugged in with Jesus Christ! If we want our children to make it back home, we must get them in God’s Word!
iGrow was written to help you equip your family for battle. This book contains lessons designed to help you get Jesus back in your life and in the lives of your family. The studies are very simple, basic and applicable to the entire family. They can be adapted to use with small children or with teenagers. The purpose of these lessons is to help you as a family study God’s Word together on a regular basis. God has given us the strength to stand strong against any attack of Satan! Through God’s Word we can be victorious in our daily spiritual battles.