By Ryan Haedge
“These days, families come in all forms––single dads, double moms, sperm donors, egg donors, one-night-stand donors…. It’s 2012 and anything goes.”1 That is a direct quote found on the official NBC site about their new show called “The New Normal.” The in-your-face sitcom premiered this fall after heavy promotion throughout the summer by NBC. The description continues: “Bryan and David are a Los Angeles couple, and they have it all. Well, almost. With successful careers and a committed, loving partnership, there is one thing that this couple is missing: a baby.”
So, by inference, according to the peacock over at NBC Universal, those of us who are married according to God’s definition of marriage are no longer “normal.” In fact, not only are we not normal, but even to believe or publically support marriage as only between 1 man and 1 woman will define you as a “bigot.” This is evidenced by the reaction to Dan Cathy, the founder of Chik-Fil-A, after he made a passing comment during an interview with The Biblical Recorder, which is the news journal of the North Carolina Baptists.2
What did Cathy actually say that caused what some are calling a “firestorm of controversy,” “hate speech,” and a “culture war controversy”? Here are his remarks: “We are very much supportive of the family—the Biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.” As you can see clearly––Dan Cathy, according to the media, is nothing more than a hateful person and obviously, according to NBC, “abnormal.”
I can’t help but notice though that NBC has acknowledged the un-natural nature of this homosexual relationship as being one that cannot procreate. This “normal” couple is in need of a woman. But not just any woman––a woman who needs money and is willing to carry a child as a surrogate for the 2 homosexual men. The irony here is that NBC even realizes that their definition of “normal” is not natural.
Of course, the name of this trendy sitcom is no accident. I have written on multiple occasions how words are being manipulated and redefined to meet the agenda of the anti-God progressives. They use words and give titles to immoral actions that create a tone intended to make you think, “Well, it is not that bad.” I submit to you Planned Parenthood or the American Civil Liberties Union as perfect examples of this. When NBC tells you upfront that this is the “new normal,” NBC is trying to sear your conscience. The apostle Paul provides the same warning to Timothy 3 and Titus 4.
Though it is before my time, I have heard of the controversy that arose when the first married couple was shown sharing the same bed on TV. Imagine that––the sight of a married husband and wife sharing a bed would cause a controversy. When we look back at those things that were viewed as different and controversial 50 or 60 years ago, we laugh.
This makes me wonder how seared our conscience will be 40 years from today. Will we look back at shows like “Will & Grace” or “The New Normal” and wonder why we were so offended? Will we laugh at ourselves for being so ridiculous? Or will our own children and grandchildren shun the beliefs we hold today as hateful and judgmental? As Paul says in Romans 3:4, “May it never be!” For years, the left has been slightly nudging us bit by bit as to not be noticed. As Christians we are finding ourselves and our moral consciences being seared by the wisdom of the world.
We must stand firm! A homosexual couple paying a single woman as a surrogate to have a child is not the “new normal.” I suspect if Sodom and Gomorrah or the Roman Empire had television networks in their time, we would consider this show a re-run of the past with destruction to follow.
In closing, I will say this… in November of this year, this country will have a choice to make in all elections from national to local. In most cases, there will be a very clear distinction between a candidate who will support and praise a show like “The New Normal” and a candidate who would condemn it as immoral and destructive to our society. I challenge you to learn these distinctions and vote as a Christian should. Let your voice be heard!
3 2 Timothy 4:1-2
4 Titus 1:15