Recently, we have seen so many changes in our society. Many of these changes frighten parents, especially Christian parents. Decisions have been made that will allow open access to restrooms, changing areas, and other locations that are quite private. These decisions have caused many parents to fear for the physical safety of their children, and rightfully so.
That said, the complete irrationality of these decisions should cause parents to think more deeply about the spiritual well-being of their children. When we can no longer, as a society, even define something so basic as “male” and “female,” it is safe to say that our common sense has left us. We have become irrational.
How can we lead our children properly in a world that has lost its common sense? In this article, I want to share five suggestions to help us. This list is not meant to be exhaustive; rather, it is meant to help all parents think deeply about these things.
First, we must reinforce that there is a difference between male and female. It is both shocking and tragic that I even have to write that sentence! While there may be a boy with some feminine traits, or a girl who is a “tomboy,” there is still a clear difference between male and female. We need to make that clear.
Second, we need to honor and respect both genders. That there is male and female is part of the glory and beauty of God’s creation. If, however, I am regularly running down one particular gender, I am dishonoring that part of God’s creation. God values each gender equally, and so must I, if I am to follow His leading.
Third, we must be willing to communicate about any subject. No matter how much we might want to shelter our children, they are going to hear about these issues. After all, transgenderism is all over mainstream and social media. Our kids are going to hear about it! When they have questions or want to speak about this, we must be willing to communicate. We need to be loving but clear, and always speak at an age-appropriate level.
Fourth, we need to pray for our children. I try to pray with my son nearly every night before he falls asleep. Many of those nights, I pray something like this: “Lord, please help [my son’s name] love being a boy, and help him to desire to be a strong Christian man as he grows.” I want my son to be grateful that he is male, just as I want my daughter to be grateful she is female. So, I need to honor that in prayer before their Creator.
Finally, we must display the beauty of a Christian marriage before our children. Male and female is the design and demand of our Lord in marriage. Such an arrangement—done with proper attitude—honors the relationship between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:22ff). I do not need to be an autocratic dictator in my home, but I do need to be male. My wife does not need to be a doormat, but she does need to be female. Our children need to see how beautiful it is that there is male and female in our home, and in our world, and how such honors our Lord.
Our children are growing up in a world that is not only losing common sense, it no longer really even believes in common sense. As absolute reality is jettisoned, rationality soon follows. By teaching our children to look at the world through Biblical eyes, we will be teaching them that God’s way is really the only rational way to live. After all, it is not just common sense; it is the way of the Creator.
By Adam Faughn
This article first appeared in Think magazine. To learn more or to subscribe, click here.