Consider a scenario in which 50-90% of the children in America are systematically killed. The nation would be drastically changed with future generations being decimated. Our economic, military, and political might would be completely in jeopardy. We would do everything in our power to keep that from happening.
And yet, there is an epidemic that is spiritually killing more children in our nation—and so far it has spread unchecked. Jack Wilkie has not only diagnosed the cause, but he has also thrown down the gauntlet and shined the light of Truth on this cancer in our society. With a majority of our young people becoming spiritual casualties of the worldview wars, it’s time we asked – what role is education playing? For two years Jack researched the history behind our educational system—some of the key players in shaping the system—and how they have reshaped education away from God. His research has now been published in the landmark book, Failure: What Christian Parents Need to know about American Education.
Everyone recognizes the system is broken. Jack reveals just how broken the system is. This highly informative book dives into not just the curriculum, but also tangential aspects of public education such as violence, sex, and the all out assault on God and Christianity. This book will be hated by some and despised by those who are comfortable in the modern world. But for parents who want to protect their children this book may well prove to be the vaccine that will save your child’s spiritual life. Having accurately diagnosed the problem, Jack offers Christian families some real applicable options that will help Christian parents make the tough choices they now face.
Make no doubt about it, Failure is a game changer. The splash this book makes will make ripples that last for years. Jack has completely opened the door on our failed educational system. The question is this: are you willing to vaccinate your family—or will you continue to roll the dice and hope that they do not become the next statistic in the church?
This book makes for a great home study as well as a classroom discussion book for adults with school-aged children. The cost of this new paperback is only $14 (and bulk prices are available for larger quantities). Isn’t it time we admit our system is a failure. Should we abandon it, or make strides to fix it? It’s time we have an open, honest discussion about what Christian families can do. Isn’t it time we stop the epidemic?
The book can be ordered here.
By Brad Harrub, Ph.D.