If you’ve followed Focus Press for any length of time, you’re most assuredly well aware of our efforts aimed at informing parents and churches of the importance of developing young people into warriors for Christ. We talk about the centrality of the family in culture and the church, and we talk about how important it is to win the future for Christ by training the next generation. Though it’s our job to preach these truths whether people like them or not, it’s always nice to receive statistical validation, and a recent study has done just that.
A study released by Northwestern University last month confirmed the fact that pro-life beliefs are on the rise in America and the reason why is completely obvious, yet often overlooked.
If there were no fertility difference between pro-choice and pro-life individuals, the population would be about 5 percentage points more pro-choice. Whereas other similar attitudes show no difference when controlling family size, the difference here is noticable (sic) and consistent over time. The evidence supports the hypothesis that the comparatively high fertility of pro-life individuals has played a role in making the population less pro-choice. This calculation may be a conservative estimate.[1]
Why is America seeing a growing pro-life trend? Because people who are pro-life have more children than people who are pro-choice, and those beliefs are passed down and reflected by percentage as the population increases. Three quick lessons we can take from this recent study:
1. God is always right
Man has always been meant to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28, 9:7) and subdue the earth as God’s image-bearers. The stats confirm that there is strength in numbers, and as long as Christians see the world as God’s and want to reclaim it for His glory we will understand the emphasis He put on life. The study shows that when we submit our cultural beliefs to His eternal truth, His image begins to be seen more in society.
2. Children are a blessing
Psalm 127 points out the fact that children are a blessing from God to their parents. Too often Christians are anti-abortion but not exactly pro-life in that they aren’t comfortable with having children in class or worship or look down on those who have more than the culturally accepted number of children. I understand that not everyone can have children, and beyond that that not every family can have a “quiver full,” but a Christian’s attitude toward children in general should be framed by God’s Word. Whether a family has one child, ten children, adopted children, foster children, or no children but they are willing and able to help the “nieces and nephews” of their spiritual family makes no difference. The point is that we should view all life as a gift from God and value it as such
3. We need to go on offense
As yesterday’s FP Blog article discussed, the church has done a good job of defending attacks against the truth, but it’s time to go on offense. Psalm 127 also points out that children are “like arrows in the hand of a warrior,” a term that implies warfare and engagement. Though evangelism is something the church must be active in, there is never certainty and the percentage of converts is typically small (it’s “the narrow way” for a reason). And though free will exists and 100% conversion of the next generation probably isn’t possible, the best way for the church to multiply long term is for Christians to have children and train their own.
What this study demonstrates is that when Christians act on their beliefs it has a tangible effect on society. It demonstrates that the next generation of Christians can affect society if this generation works hard to pass on their beliefs. And, it demonstrates that the battle is a winnable one if we’re willing to commit to fighting for truth long-term. Let’s get to work!
By Jack Wilkie
[1] Kevern, J. Alex and Freese, Jeremy, Differential Fertility as a Determinant of Trends in Public Opinion about Abortion in the United States (July 7, 2014). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2463472