Our children are growing up in a nation that is drifting ever farther away from biblical principles. State and federal laws have been enacted and have been upheld in court that run contrary to God’s Word regarding the sanctity of life and the institution of marriage. The media peppers our young people with images and ideas meant to change their young minds on issues of morality and the importance of religion.
Parents are therefore facing perhaps an unprecedented level of difficulty in raising their children up in “the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” Yet, for those of us who are Christian parents, outside of our own salvation, there should be no higher goal in our lives than to pass down to our children a love, appreciation, and devotion to Almighty God.
While we cannot guarantee that our children will choose the Way that leads to salvation, we can and must provide them with the atmosphere, examples and tools necessary to increase the likelihood that they will choose to serve God rather than the world.
Consider the following:
We Must Be Genuine Christian Examples
How often do we find children more faithful than their parents? It’s rare. What occurs far more often is that children are as faithful or less faithful. Our kids are watching and listening to us closely. Children see how much time we spend in putting our faith into action in serving others and how faithful we are in attending bible classes and worship services. What example of Christianity are you as a father or mother presenting to your children? 
We Must Discuss God Within The Home
One of the greatest passages in the Bible on this topic is found in Deuteronomy 6:6-9. Let us ask ourselves if this passage describes our home, “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Our children need to learn, by our example both in word and in deed, that our religion is not separated from our life. Christianity is our life.
We Must Teach Our Children What The Bible Says Regarding The Issues They Face
One of the great mistakes Christian parents can make is to assume that their kids just “get it” regarding what God says about the temptations they face. Sitting around the dinner table and showing our young people exactly what God says about an issue and contrasting that with what the world is telling them is a duty we have as Christian parents (Ephesians 6:4). Then telling them that God’s Word has never changed on the subject and perhaps even why God says what He does on the topic could reap great dividends.
We Must Speak Highly Of All Things Christian
Children notice if we continuously complain about the length and/or quality of the sermon and if we speak in a derogatory manner towards the elders that oversee the congregation. That sends a message of disrespect towards God’s Word and Christian leadership and it’s a message that will likely override any message you try to tell them to the contrary.
We Must Share With Them The Reality Of Heaven And Hell
Our children need to be taught, from a young age, what is required of them in order to become a Christian and to remain in Christ for a lifetime. Parents should show them where in the Bible those teachings are found and discuss them from time to time.
We Need to Tell Our Children Why We Love God and His Church
We ought to share with our kids the joy of being a Christian and the peace we have through our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and how they can have the same relationship. Our time is limited with our children. Let us make the most of that time and use it to share with them the most important lessons in life— lessons that will help lead them to eternal life in heaven.

By Chad Stafko