Welcome to our new blog! We’re excited to introduce this new aspect of our work as we continue to strive to bring the truth of God’s Word to the world in new ways. We decided to add a blog site in addition to our standard home site (www.focuspress.org) for a number of reasons:
1. We wanted an easily accessible, easily readable home for all of our articles and updates
We’ve heard feedback from a number of our readers about the difficulty of reading and/or finding articles on our home site, and so we wanted to introduce a blog with a clean, simple look and easy navigation. Here you can find articles by writer (just click on each writer’s name in the drop down menu above), date (click on the Posts page), or topic (see the sidebar on the Posts page). Additionally, our home site’s search function had trouble accessing our articles and major search engines like Google had a hard time finding our articles, so we felt the need to find a way to make our articles easy to find both on our site and in search engine results. More search results = more people finding the truth.
2. We wanted you to be able to interact with us more easily
The blog section on the home site doesn’t allow for comments. To introduce such functionality would be very difficult and would not be easy for our readers to use. On this site you can comment on articles and let us know what you think.
3. We wanted to have a social media reach that we were previously lacking
As you’ll find on this site, each article features a Facebook “Like” button and buttons to share your favorite articles via Facebook, Twitter, email, Google+, or Pinterest. In an age where millions of people are accessing social media sites every day we needed to increase our ability to spread the Christian worldview into such areas of the web, and this site gives us that ability. With your help, we’ll be able to introduce the truth to thousands of people we were never able to reach previously.
4. We wanted to put content first
Our whole reason for existence as an organization is to teach the truth, and with this site we can put all of our focus on regularly delivering new content to a site that is dedicated solely to that content. Our home site is still fully functional and will continue to be the home of our store, where you can buy our books, DVDs, audio files, Think magazine, and more, but on the Focus Press Blog we will only be bringing you the articles on current issues from a distinctly Christian view that you’ve come to expect from us. Dr. Brad Harrub, Jack Wilkie, Andrew Chavarrilla, and various guest writers will be bringing you multiple articles each week on all that’s going on in this sin-filled world and how Christians should respond.
We’ve posted some of our most popular articles from the last few months to begin the blog, and beginning tomorrow we’ll be adding all of our new articles, including those from our Tuesday email updates, weekly Facebook features like Millennial Monday and Foundations Friday, guest posts, and monthly excerpts from Think magazine. Like us on Facebook, subscribe to us via email, and follow us on Twitter (information on all three below) to keep up with the articles. Thanks for visiting!
– Jack Wilkie