Lots making the news about homosexual “rights” and what the Bible does or doesn’t say on this topic. But what are the real goals of the homosexuals? The 1972 Gay Rights Platform, which has not been changed or rescinded in more than 20 years, calls for: “Repeal of all state laws prohibiting sexual acts involving consenting persons” (notice, not “consenting adults”); “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent;” and “Repeal of all laws … that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit.”
Steve Warren told Christians what gays expect of them. In The Advocate, the nation’s largest and most mainstream homosexual publication, he says: “Here are some of the things you will be expected to affirm:
1. Henceforth, homosexuality will be spoken of in your churches and synagogues as an ‘honorable estate’;
2. You can either let us marry people of the same sex, or better yet abolish marriage altogether;
3. You will be expected to offer ceremonies that bless our sexual arrangements. … You will also instruct your people in homosexual as well as heterosexual behavior, and you will go out of your way to make certain that homosexual youths are allowed to date, attend religious functions together, openly display affection, and enjoy each other’s sexuality without embarrassment or guilt;
4. If any of the older people in your midst object, you will deal with them sternly, making certain they renounce their ugly and ignorant homophobia or suffer public humiliation;
5. You will also make certain that … laws are passed forbidding discrimination against homosexuals and heavy punishments are assessed;
6. Finally, we will in all likelihood want to expunge a number of passages from your Scriptures and rewrite others, eliminating preferential treatment of marriage and using words that will allow for homosexual interpretations of passages describing biblical lovers such as Ruth and Boaz or Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Warning: If all these things do not come to pass quickly, we will subject Orthodox Jews and Christians to the most sustained hatred and vilification in recent memory.
What are your goals?
By Brad Harrub, Ph.D.
(For more see Gibbs, Gary. “Homosexuality: Return to Sodom.” Amazing Facts, Inc., 2010-06-07).